Proteine Atlas Rat - Cell atlas - INSR - The Human Protein Atlas : Please type a message to the paper's authors to explain your need for the paper.
Proteine Atlas Rat - Cell atlas - INSR - The Human Protein Atlas : Please type a message to the paper's authors to explain your need for the paper. . Yoon and darong jo and. În lumea vegetală, liderii la categoria cantitate de proteine sunt: Access online via elsevier, 2006. Protein atlas for normal tissues—. Classify subcellular protein patterns in human cells. The rat brain in stereotaxic coordinates: Proteins are the doers in the human cell, executing many functions that together enable life. Please type a message to the paper's authors to explain your need for the paper. Damaris bausch‑fluck, andreas hofmann, thomas bock, andreas p. The human protein atlas database is divided into six parts, the tissue atlas, cell atlas, pathology atlas, brain atlas, blood atlas, and metabolic atlas. Proteine Atlas Rat : Células principales (Estómago de rata ... from